Spiritual Herbalism: The Beginner Herbalist’s Companion

Spiritual Herbalism: The Beginner Herbalist’s Companion: A Chakra-System Herbal Approach to Elevated Wellness with Plant Spirits and Nature’s Most Powerful Curer
Spiritual Herbalism: The Beginner Herbalist’s Companion
Ascending Vibrations

Since time immemorial, herbs have existed within the fabric of reality, and we can’t begin to comprehend how much wisdom and energy they have absorbed from the universe. Alternative medicinal systems have been around for much longer than modern pharmaceutical medicine, but they are no longer the main form of healing.


About the Author

Ascending Vibrations is an independent publishing group dedicated to the spiritual growth of anyone seeking to expand their consciousness and elevate their existence. They wish to bring about a surge in conscious awareness in the modern world with in-depth and easy-to-grasp works on spiritual essentials (and hard-to-come-by, non-mainstream wisdom) such as mindfulness, chakra-boosting, sound healing secrets, ancient knowledge, yogic techniques, and so much more. The Ascending Vibrations works are crafted to be of immediate and pragmatic use to both the spiritually curious beginner and the awakened being alike. Join them on their mission to fuel the flames of conscious awareness and burn up the ego's devastating effect on the planet.