Zombie Fungus

Zombie Fungus: Abel's Apocalypse Book One
Zombie Fungus
Bryan Dean

So, are you ready for the day zombies start rampaging through the streets? Well, Abe thought he was ready for them, too. He’d watched the movies, read the books, and prepared accordingly. But when the monsters arrived, he realized Hollywood didn’t get all the facts right. Some of these zombies are not your father’s zombies — not even close.


About the Author

Hailing from Cleveland, Ohio Bryan still lives live in NEO (North East Ohio). A fan of all things creepy, except birds, Alfred Hitchcock ruined birds for him; he sees a horror story in every moment of every day. But simply doesn’t have time to write them all down. He learned how to tell stories by talking himself out of trouble as a young man. After spending years in corporate America, where he developed his crusty exterior, he decided it was time to do something he’s always wanted to do. You’re reading it or should be, so stop reading this and buy his book.