Cerulean Rising - Part I: Beginnings

Cerulean Rising - Part I: Beginnings
Justin Sewall
There are those who are natural born leaders. Others are forged in the fiery crucible of battle. Some are just built that way. Emerson Avery was already exceptional, when suddenly, events would conspire to thrust the mantle of leadership into his young hands. In one fateful moment, Emerson's world would be torn apart, changing his destiny and the future of the entire galaxy forever.

About the Author

Justin Sewall is a sci-fi and aviation enthusiast. He works at the Boeing Everett Delivery Center and has the privilege of watching airplanes fly every day. He enjoys distance running, HALO, VW GTI's, military history, his kids and wife, though not necessarily in that order. The works of Asimov, Clarke, Heinlein, Herbert and Tolkien have all made their influence in one way, shape or form on Sewall's writing. Cerulean Rising: Beginnings is his first self-published novella. Cerulean Rising: Evolutions is slated for release later in 2015.