Keto Diet: The Step By Step Cookbook To Gain Ketosis

Keto Diet: The Step By Step Cookbook To Gain Ketosis
Jamie Ken Moore
Because healthy weight loss and better well-being are so essential to you, instantly learn how to get results on the Keto diet with the easy to cook keto friendly recipes in this book to see a new you!

About the Author

Jamie Moore has always been fascinated by food and what it can do for the human body since young, so much so that he ended up putting on so much weight that the doctors’ advice at one point was for him to be wheel chair bound.
It wasn’t until Jamie chanced upon the ketogenic diet that things got turned around for the better. Enthralled with what he had found and his own positive experiences with the diet for weight loss, Jamie took up distance learning courses to get accreditation on dieting and nutrition in order to further understand more about the ketogenic diet.
These days, Jamie does forty laps in the pool with regular gym sessions thrown in for good measure. Jamie hopes to pen down what he knows into books which he hopes would be of help to people.