The Earl's Unexpected Bride: Regency Historical Romance

The Earl's Unexpected Bride: Regency Historical Romance
Arietta Richmond
Miss Catherine Thornberry led a quiet life, teaching in the parish school. Until the day that the Earl of Stanningfield knocked her into the river. And then employed her as governess to his niece. It was immediately obvious to both Catherine and the Earl, as their desires overcame them, that they wanted a relationship rather different than that of employer and employee. There was just one impediment to their romance..... one very large impediment... even more significant than the difference in their stations...

About the Author

Arietta Richmond has been a compulsive reader and writer all her life. Whilst her reading has covered an enormous range of topics, history has always fascinated her, and historical novels been amongst her favorite reading. She has written a wide range of work, from business articles and other non-fiction works (published under a pen name) but fiction has always been a major part of her life.Now, her Regency Historical Romance series is finally being released. The Derbyshire set is comprised of 6 shorter novels.She also has a standalone longer novel shortly to be released, and two longer series of novels in development. She lives in Australia, and when not reading or writing, likes to travel, and to see in person the places where history happened.