Phebe, the Blackberry Girl

Phebe, the Blackberry Girl
Uncle Thomas's Stories for Good Children


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Phebe, the Blackberry Girl by Anonymous



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Phebe, the Blackberry Girl
Uncle Thomas's Stories for Good Children


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The blackberry girl -- Good children -- Poor crazy Robert -- The pet lamb -- Father William and the young man -- The little girl and her pets -- The flowers -- The child and the flowers -- One, two, buckle my shoe -- Washing and dressing -- The industrious boy -- We are seven / by Wm. Wordsworth -- The idle boy -- Casabianca -- Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Book Excerpt

br> The beautiful sweet-pea!

And rows of stately hollyhocks
Down by the garden-wall,
All yellow, white and crimson,
So many-hued and tall!
[Illustration: "Put up thy work, dear Mother."]

And bending on their stalks, mother
Are roses white and red;
And pale-stemmed balsams all a-blow,
On every garden-bed.

Put up thy work, I pray thee,
And come out, mother dear!
We used to buy these flowers,
But they are growing here!

O, mother! little Amy
Would have loved these flowers to see;
Dost remember how we tried to get
For her a pink sweet-pea?

Dost remember how she loved
Those rose-leaves pale and sere?
I wish she had but lived to see
The lovely roses here!

Put up thy work, dear mother,
And wipe those tears away!
And come into the garden
Before 'tis set of day!



One, two,
Buckle my shoe;
Three, four,
Shut the door


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