Lady Bountiful

Lady Bountiful


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Lady Bountiful by George A. Birmingham





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Lady Bountiful


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Fifteen short stories, many of them showing the vagaries and humor of present-day life in Ireland. Lady Bountiful -- The strike breaker -- The faculty of medicine -- A lunatic at large -- The bands of Ballyguttery -- Starting the train -- Unlawful possession -- A soul for a life -- A bird in hand -- The emerald pendant -- Settled out of court -- A competent mechanic -- My niece Kitty -- A royal marriage -- Aunt Nell.

Book Excerpt

to be an injustice.

Captain Corless, after a long period of pleasant leisure, found himself suddenly called on to write a report on the working of the Unemployment-Pay Scheme in Ireland. With a view to doing his work thoroughly he hired a motorcar and made a tour of some of the more picturesque parts of the country. He so arranged his journeys that he was able to stop each night at a place where there was a fairly good hotel. He made careful inquiries everywhere, and noted facts for the enlightenment of the Treasury, for whose benefit his report was to be drawn up. He also made notes, in a private book, of some of the more amusing and unexpected ways in which the scheme worked. He found himself, in the course of his tour, close to Castle Affey, and, being a dutiful son, called on his father.

He found old Sir Tony in a particularly good humour. He also found matter enough to fill his private note-book.

"No telling tales, Tony, now," said the old man. "No reports about Castle Affey to the G


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