Rowdy of the Cross L

Rowdy of the Cross L


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Rowdy of the Cross L by B. M. Bower







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Rowdy of the Cross L


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Book Excerpt

end, but this storm came up, and I'm--lost."

"Same here," said Rowdy pleasantly, as though being lost was a matter for congratulation.

"Oh! I was in hopes--"

"So was I, so we're even there. We'll have to pool our chances, I guess. Any gate down that way--or haven't you followed the fence?"

"I followed it for miles and miles--it seemed. It must be some big field of the Cross L; but they have so very many big fields!"

"And you couldn't give a rough guess at how far it is to the Cross L?"--insinuatingly.

He could vaguely see her shake of head. "Ordinarily it should be about six miles beyond Rodway's, where I board. But I haven't the haziest idea of where Rodway's place is, you see; so that won't help you much. I'm all at sea in this snow." Her voice was rueful.

"Well, if you came up the fence, there's no use going back that way; and there's sure nothing made by going away from it.--that's the way I came. Why not go on the way you're headed?"

"We might as well, I suppose," she assented; an


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