Geological Report on Asbestos and its Indications, in the Province of Quebec, Canada

Geological Report on Asbestos and its Indications, in the Province of Quebec, Canada


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Geological Report on Asbestos and its Indications, in the Province of Quebec, Canada by Lucius J. Boyd





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Geological Report on Asbestos and its Indications, in the Province of Quebec, Canada


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Book Excerpt

upon the subject, they appear to differ in many respects. I mention these facts as possibly one inexperienced or unacquainted with the country might consider it strange that a thorough examination of the Asbestos properties had not been followed. Yet the causes I have mentioned above, as well as the difficulties I had to contend with during the months of heavy snowfall, lead me to believe that my confrères (geologists) were disinclined to follow up a correct and actual prospectus of these valuable serpentinous localities.

Before locating, or going into details of these classes of rock as a mineral repository, I intend to treat on the subject as regards their mode of existence and origin.

Serpentine is diffused under the head of "metamorphic rocks," while, in the widest sense, according to Studor and others, mineral metamorphism means every change of aggregation, structure, or chemical condition, which rocks have undergone subsequently to their deposition and stratification, or the effects which have been produced by forces other than gravity and cohesion.

There fall under this definition the discolouration of the surface of, for instance, black limestone, by the loss of its carbon, the formation of brownish red cr


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