A Princess of Mars

A Princess of Mars


(23 Reviews)
A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs









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A Princess of Mars


(23 Reviews)
Forty-three million miles from the earth--a succession of the weirdestand most astounding adventures in fiction. John Carter, American, findshimself on the planet Mars, battling for a beautiful woman, with theGreen Men of Mars, terrible creatures fifteen feet high, mounted onhorses like dragons.

Book Excerpt

however, that this thought did not occur to me until the following day removes any possible right to a claim to heroism to which the narration of this episode might possibly otherwise entitle me.

I do not believe that I am made of the stuff which constitutes heroes, because, in all of the hundreds of instances that my voluntary acts have placed me face to face with death, I cannot recall a single one where any alternative step to that I took occurred to me until many hours later. My mind is evidently so constituted that I am subconsciously forced into the path of duty without recourse to tiresome mental processes. However that may be, I have never regretted that cowardice is not optional with me.

In this instance I was, of course, positive that Powell was the center of attraction, but whether I thought or acted first I do not know, but within an instant from the moment the scene broke upon my view I had whipped out my revolvers and was charging down upon the entire army of warriors, shooting


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This is a classic which all sci-fi fans should read, both for its imaginative action and for its subsequent effect on sci-fi authors (e.g. Barsoom reappears in Heinlein's The Number of the Beast). Some will find it dated in light of what is now known about Mars, but that is a part of its charm. Its ethos harkens back to a day when honor and integrity still meant something. A fast read and highly recommended!
The Barsoom series was a favorite of Carl Sagan who, in his landmark television series, Cosmos mentioned his youthful desire to visit Mars as had John Carter. After reading the excellent adventure, A Princess of Mars, I understand the strange pull of Barsoom.

The story is in the best tradition of "swords and stars" pulp in which a fighting man of Earth finds adventure, danger, battle, honor and romance against the harsh Martian landscape. It is fast paced and well written. I was scarcely able to put this book down until I had finished it. And I felt the pull of Barsoom drawing me to The Gods Of Mars almost immediately afterwards.

There are some stereotypes and prejudices that must be taken in context of the era in which the work was written. Otherwise, one finds oneself turning pages at a ferocious rate.

A Princess of Mars is an excellent start to a series that should appeal to fans of adventure and science fiction alike. There is a reason it has remained on bookshelves for so many years.
Well it was hard to get through the first two chapters, but after that I couldn't stop reading it! Very enthralling, when you start reading this book, you will actually feel that you are there in Mars watching the action and seeing the plot unfold! Download this now!! You'll never regret it!
Our book club chooses 2 classics a year. We read Princess last fall and had a total blast with it. Sit back, relax, enjoy the Old Ways, you're in for a Ride.
carte destul de interesanta, dar strabatuta de acel avant initial al S-F-ului catre eroii nemaipomeniti, adaptarea eroului mult prea rapida
A surprisingly good book. ERB writes of conceptions that you'll see in everything following it that deals with Mars. Everything from Total Recall to various animes directly or indirectly borrow from the original ideas of an inhabited Mars as invisioned by ERB. The story is highly recommended and by the time you finish it, you'll be begging for the next in the series.
A grand adventure. Clearly the best of the 'Barsoom' series. It is interesting to see how much ERB viewed of a classic, sterotyped, gentile, chivalrous, gentlemen of the old southern civil war era and then transplanted him into a very different culture. While his idea of transplanting a 'human' into another alien world or culture was used by him several other times, it is more interesting to reflect how his way of doing this type adventure plot was later used by other writers. Before you read other such stories or go further in other such series, read this book first. While you should not really try to read to much high philsophy or literature into pulp tales, it makes for interesting reflection to seek out the influence of ERB in the works of later adventure writers.
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