


(6 Reviews)
Juggernaut by Alice Campbell







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(6 Reviews)
Relentless, the Juggernaut moves from murder to murder--until he is discovered, behind the most innocent of masks, and caught after a thrilling pursuit. Read this baffling Mystery story--and keep the secret of its ending! (Made into a movie starring Boris Karloff, available to download from archive.org.)

Book Excerpt

ose, mauve, periwinkle-blue, accents of black, graceful bodies, slender legs and ankles ... not all so slender, she amended presently, becoming more critical. There were lower extremities of the grand-piano type, and short, fat feet with a look of pincushions resolutely stuffed into shoes.

Her own slender, well-shod feet would do more than pass muster here, she reflected with satisfaction. Indeed, although she was more plainly dressed than most of the women present, she rejoiced to feel she did not suffer too much by comparison. Esther was never dowdy. She was not ashamed of her well-tailored coat and skirt, marron in colour--which went well with her eyes and hair--nor of her little new felt hat, purchased in Paris. Her small choker fur was of good stone-marten, even her gloves and the handkerchief peeping from her pocket had the correct touch. Trifles, perhaps, but trifles that mattered. She made "good money," and she had always found it paid to dress well and carefully.... Of course, she would not be


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Like a lot of these Gutenberg "masterpieces" the formatting was horrible: a plethora of split sentences. A trained ape could have done a better job. And all that French, bah! I had to go through the entire book and translate all that gibberish using Google Translate. It took awhile, but it was worth it. I think the authour thought everyone could speak French or she was just showing off her skills. Other than that, it was just okay.
Profile picture for user Cristinutaa
wonderful book.
couldn't keep it down.
Interests you even after the first read
Profile picture for user ralf@ark.in-berlin.de
and keep the secret of its ending! ... what nonsense, the culprits are obvious very soon, it's only the painted stupidity of the protagonist that holds the story for the second half of the book, contrary to what the other commenters say.
If you're into classic murder mysteries from the twenties and thirties and know a little french, this one is probably right up your alley.
I must admit I found it at least a third too long, even though the heroine and hero were nicely drawn characters.
Profile picture for user Cristinutaa
Very enjoyable old fashioned thriller. The characters are vivid and believable. Main character is a smart and competent woman. The identity of the villains is not much of a secret. The suspense comes from the good characters having difficulty believing the meaning of the bad characters' behavior and taking appropriate action. This does not come across as stupidity - more like the characters meeting a type of person completely outside of their experience.
Profile picture for user Cristinutaa
Set in glamorous 1930s Cannes, this is a bit of a curiosity. A very nicely paced and plotted murder mystery, packed with intrigue and romance but which was plainly written by someone who thought she ought to be writing "for women"; the author writes extremely well, then occasionally seems to remember to put in a bit of fluffy detail about "marron crepe de chine" or "black chiffon with wide, flowing sleeves"!

Don't let these odd lapses put you off, however: the heroine has pluck (in addition to crepe de chine), the plot is fresh and interesting and the characters are well-developed, especially the psychopathic doctor...