Peregrine's Progress

Peregrine's Progress


(1 Review)
Peregrine's Progress by Jeffery Farnol







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Peregrine's Progress


(1 Review)
Peregrine Vereker, in the eyes of his aunt Julia, who brought him up to the mature age of nineteen, was a polished young gentleman, an incipient artist and poet. In the opinion of his two uncles he was an ignorant mollycoddle, a ladylike nincompoop, unacquainted with manliness. Stung by their scorn, Peregrine ''ran away'' as many a lad before and since, to learn the world and prove his worth, and ran the gamut of happiness and misery, of fear and courage, of loneliness and love before he matched up to the requirements of his two uncles.

Book Excerpt

T (covers ears). Horrors! this ribaldry, George Vereker!

UNCLE GEORGE. O Lord! (Sinks into chair and gloomy silence.)

MY UNCLE JERVAS (rising gracefully, taking aunt Julia's indignant hands and kissing them gallantly). George is perfectly right, dear soul. Our Peregrine requires a naked mauley (clenches Aunt Julia's white hand into a fist)--something like this, only bigger and harder--applied to his torso--

UNCLE GEORGE. Of course, above the belt, you'll understand, Julia! Now the Camberwell Chicken--

MY UNCLE JERVAS. Applied, I say, with sufficient force to awake him to the stern--shall we say the harsh realities of life.

AUNT JULIA. Life can be real without sordid brutality.

UNCLE JERVAS. Not unless one is blind and deaf, or runs away and hides from his fellows like a coward; for brutality, alas, is a very human attribute and slumbers more or less in each one of us, let us deny it how we will.

UNCLE GEORGE. True enough, Jervas, and as you'll remember when I f


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Of Farnol’s books I have read so far, which have all been good, this is the finest. Written in the first person, the story is an uncommon romance of a timid young man who has prior been sheltered in luxury and wealth heading out into the world to become a man. He discovers working class friends and meets his true love. He also encounters the wickedness the world has to offer and it has much more sorrow than Farnol’s books usually comprise of. All ends well, as a good romance should, and I assure you, you will be left happy and misty eyed in its closing.
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more