The Camp in the Snow

The Camp in the Snow
Besiedged by Danger


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The Camp in the Snow by William Murray Graydon





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The Camp in the Snow
Besiedged by Danger


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Book Excerpt

nearly five hundred dollars."

The boys were dazzled by this munificent offer. It brought tears to their eyes to think of the relief that money would bring to the afflicted ones at home.

"You're awfully kind," said Jerry, in a tremulous voice. "I'll gladly go if my father will let me. And I'm sure he will."

"I know my mother won't object," added Hamp.

"Then it's as good as settled," declared Brick. "I can hardly wait till we're off. I've been wanting to see the Maine wilderness for years."

"Know much about guns or hunting?" asked Jerry.

"Mighty little," Brick candidly admitted. "I never shot anything bigger than a blackbird in my life. Game don't run loose in New York."

"We'll show you sport enough," promised Hamp. "Just wait till we strike the deer."

The three lads fell to chatting with the freedom of old friends, and Brick quite forgot his aching head.

During the next few days all arrangements were made, and Brick provided himself and companions


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