Betty Lee, Freshman

Betty Lee, Freshman


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Betty Lee, Freshman by Harriet Pyne Grove







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Betty Lee, Freshman


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Book Excerpt

luck and a grand time, Betty. Mercy! There's the train tooting now and I haven't said goodbye to the rest!"

Betty made a dash for Amy Louise, to hold her hand firmly. Last goodbyes were said. Dick and Doris gathered up the bags while the train rounded the curve at a little distance. The freckled lad soberly regarded Dick as he said, "Well, so long, Dick. So long, Doris;" and Doris was being embraced by the excited little girls, who followed the travelers and tried not to get in the way of various small trucks.

"Help Betty all you can, Dick," advised Mrs. Royce, handing an extra piece of baggage up to Dick, who was last to board the train. "Remember that I shall want a card mailed at once to make sure of your safety. If anything goes wrong, send a telegram."

Dick, grinning, feeling not a little important with his manly duties, nodded and disappeared after his sisters. The group on the platform, watching the windows, were presently rewarded by seeing smiling faces. Dick was trying to put u


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