Colonel Quaritch, V.C.

Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
A Tale of Country Life


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Colonel Quaritch, V.C. by H. Rider Haggard







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Colonel Quaritch, V.C.
A Tale of Country Life


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Having served~in India and Egypt, Colonel Quaritch, V. C. gave up his position in the English army and went to live at Honham Cottage, an ancient but unpretentious place near the ancestral castle of the de la Molle family. He falls deeply in love with Ida de la Molle, the only child of the "squire," who has mortgaged his posessions to their full value. The mortgage is foreclosed, and Ida forced to promise her hand to the young banker who holds the mortgage. But help comes.

Book Excerpt

the drive.

"Yes," answered the Colonel mildly, "here I am."

"Ah, I thought it was you. Always tell a military man, you know. Excuse me, but I am resting for a minute, this last pull is an uncommonly stiff one. I always used to tell my dear old friend, Mrs. Massey, that she ought to have the hill cut away a bit just here. Well, here goes for it," and after a few heavy steps his visitor emerged from the shadow of the trees into the sunset light which was playing on the terrace before the house.

Colonel Quaritch glanced up curiously to see who the owner of the great voice might be, and his eyes lit upon as fine a specimen of humanity as he had seen for a long while. The man was old, as his white hair showed, seventy perhaps, but that was the only sign of decay about him. He was a splendid man, broad and thick and strong, with a keen, quick eye, and a face sharply chiselled, and clean shaved, of the stamp which in novels is generally known as aristocratic, a face, in fact, that showed both bi


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