The Moving Picture Girls at Sea

The Moving Picture Girls at Sea
or, A Pictured Shipwreck That Became Real


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The Moving Picture Girls at Sea by Laura Lee Hope





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The Moving Picture Girls at Sea
or, A Pictured Shipwreck That Became Real


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A thrilling account of the girls' experiences on the water.

Book Excerpt

n whose fortunes Ruth and Alice DeVere had cast their lots.

After the girls' first introduction to the camera they went to Oak Farm where a series of pictures were taken, and, incidentally, a mystery was cleared up. Getting snowbound was another experience for our friends, but they forgot the cruelties of Winter in the happy days under the palms. And they had only recently come back from Rocky Ranch, where a number of Western dramas had been filmed, when the little scene of our opening chapter took place.

Those of you who have read the previous books of this series do not need to be told much about moving pictures. And even those who select this volume as their first venture in becoming acquainted with our heroines must well know how the film pictures look from the front of the screen.

To the uninitiated I might say that in making picture plays a company, somewhat like a regular theatrical organization, is gotten together. The play is decided upon, but instead of the acts taking place bef


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