The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound

The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound
Or, The Proof on the Film


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The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound by Laura Lee Hope





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The Moving Picture Girls Snowbound
Or, The Proof on the Film


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A tale of winter adventures in the wilderness, showing how the photo-play actors sometimes suffer.

Book Excerpt


"Do you feel like--talking?" inquired Alice gently, for she saw that the worried look had not left her father's face.

"Yes," he answered, with a smile, "but I do not want to burden you girls with all of my troubles."

"Why shouldn't you?" asked Ruth, quickly. "Who would you share your troubles with, if not with us? We must help each other!"

"Yes, I suppose so," returned Mr. DeVere, in a low voice. "And yet, after all, I suppose this is not such a terrible trouble. It will not kill any of us. But it will make a hard pull for me if I cannot prove my contention."

"What is that?" asked Alice. "Is there some trouble with the film company? You haven't lost your engagement; have you, Daddy?"

"Oh, no, it isn't that," he answered. "I'll tell you. Just a little more of that spray, please, Alice. I will then be better able to talk."

In a few moments he resumed:

"Did you ever hear me speak of a Dan Merley?"

"You mean that man who came to see you when we


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