We Didn't Do Anything Wrong, Hardly

We Didn't Do Anything Wrong, Hardly


(1 Review)
We Didn't Do Anything Wrong, Hardly by Roger Kuykendall





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We Didn't Do Anything Wrong, Hardly


(1 Review)
After all--they only borrowed it a little while, just to fix it--

Book Excerpt

compressor. You've got to have a compressor on a spaceship, everybody knows that. And that old compression chamber that old man ... I mean Mr. Fields let us use didn't have a compressor.

Sure he said we could use it. Anyway he said we could play with it, and Skinny said we were going to make a spaceship out of it, and he said go ahead.

Well, no, he didn't say it exactly like that. I mean, well, like he didn't take it serious, sort of.

Anyway, it made a swell spaceship. It had four portholes on it and an air lock and real bunks in it and lots of room for all that stuff that Skinny put in there. But it didn't have a compressor and that's why ...

What stuff? Oh, you know, the stuff that Skinny put in there. Like the radar he made out of a TV set and the antigravity and the atomic power plant he invented to run it all with.

He's awful smart, Skinny is, but he's not like what you think of a genius. You know, he'


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