The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts

The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts


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The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts by Maurice Maeterlinck





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The Blue Bird: A Fairy Play in Six Acts


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Book Excerpt

Aren't you cross with them?...

TYLTYL What for?...

THE FAIRY For eating all the cakes.... I think it's very wrong of them not to give you some....

TYLTYL Not at all; they're rich.... I say, isn't it beautiful over there?...

THE FAIRY It's no more beautiful there than here.

TYLTYL Ugh!... It's darker here and smaller and there are no cakes....

THE FAIRY It's exactly the same, only you can't see....

TYLTYL Yes, I can; and I have very good eyes. I can see the time on the church clock and daddy can't...

THE FAIRY (suddenly angry) I tell you that you can't see!... How do you see me?... What do I look like?... (An awkward silence from TYLTYL.) Well, answer me, will you? I want to know if you can see!... Am I pretty or ugly?... (The silence grows more and more uncomfortable.) Won't you answer?... Am I young or old?... Are my cheeks pink or yellow?... Perhaps you'll say I have a hump?...

TYLTYL (in a conciliatory tone)


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