A Manifest Destiny

A Manifest Destiny


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A Manifest Destiny by Julia Magruder





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A Manifest Destiny


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The name of Julia Magruder stands for that which is saccharine and sentimental. In A Manifest Destiny she does full justice to this reputation.

Book Excerpt

e self that was nothing but a grieving and bereaved daughter--and to quicken the pleasure-loving instincts and thirst for admiration which were as inherently, though not as prominently, a part of her. There was still a root of bitterness springing up within her whenever she thought of her mother's being taken from her, and this very element it was which urged her to make all she could of life, in the hope of partially filling the void in her heart. She was not even yet reconciled to the loss of her mother, and there was a certain defiance of destiny in her resolution to get some compensation for the wrong she had sustained in losing what was dearest to her.

On arriving in London, Bettina went to a hotel, and from there made inquiries as to the whereabouts of Lord Hurdly. Parliament was in session, and his lordship was in his town house in Grosvenor Square. Having ascertained the hour at which he was most likely to be at home, Bettina betook herself at that hour to his house.

She refused to give


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