Frances of the Ranges

Frances of the Ranges
The Old Ranchman's Treasure


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Frances of the Ranges by Amy Bell Marlowe







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Frances of the Ranges
The Old Ranchman's Treasure


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Book Excerpt

companionship was like a healing balm poured into his sore heart.

The man's strong, fierce nature suddenly went out to his child and she became all and all to him--just as her mother had been during the few years she had been spared to him.

So the girl's schooling was cut short--and Frances loved books and the training she had received at the Amarillo schools. She would have loved to go on--to pass her examinations for college preparation, and finally get her diploma and an A. B., at least, from some college.

That, however, was not to be. Old Captain Rugley lavished money on her like rain, when she would let him. She used some of the money to buy books and a piano and pay for a teacher for the latter to come to the ranch, while she spent much midnight oil studying the books by herself.

Captain Rugley's health was not all it should have been. Frances could not now leave him for long.

Until recently the old ranchman had borne lightly his seventy years. But rheumatism had taken


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