The White Gauntlet

The White Gauntlet


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The White Gauntlet by Mayne Reid







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The White Gauntlet


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Another exciting adventure by Mayne Reid. A solid bedtime read!

Book Excerpt

k perched upon it. I saw her suddenly fling the bird to the neck of the horse, and draw off the gauntlet, which the next moment fell from her fingers! Surely it was design?"

He raised his hand to his hat; took the glove from its place; and once more pressed it to his lips.

"Oh, that her hand were in it!" he enthusiastically exclaimed, yielding to a sweet fancy. "If it were her fingers I held thus to my lips--thus unresisting--then might I believe there was bliss upon earth!"

A footstep, falling upon his ear, interrupted the enraptured speech. It was light, betokening the proximity of a woman, or rather the presence of one: for, on turning, his eye rested upon a female figure, standing by the side of his horse.

The cavalier saw before him a comely face--and something more. He might have deemed it beautiful; but for that other still present to his intellectual eye, and altogether engrossing his thoughts.

It was a young girl who had


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