Brewster's Millions

Brewster's Millions


(2 Reviews)
Brewster's Millions by George Barr McCutcheon







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Brewster's Millions


(2 Reviews)
Montgomery Brewster is a poor man, until he inherits a large sum of money. However, the inheritance comes with a catch: he has to spend every penny of his new fortune within 30 days! Success means he'll gain an even larger sum, but should he fail he remains penniless -- and the lawyers get the estate...

Book Excerpt

ys to spend your money," continued the Colonel. "Don't listen to any of them. Take your time. You'll have a new chance to make money every day of your life, so go slowly. I'd have been rich years and years ago if I'd had sense enough to run away from promoters. They'll all try to get a whack at your money. Keep your eye open, Monty. The rich young man is always a tempting morsel. "After a moment's reflection, he added, "Won't you come out and dine with us to- morrow night?"



Mrs. Gray lived in Fortieth Street. For years Montgomery Brewster had regarded her quiet, old-fashioned home as his own. The house had once been her grandfather's, and it was one of the pioneers in that part of the town. It was there she was born; in its quaint old parlor she was married; and all her girlhood, her brief wedded life, and her widowhood were connected with it. Mrs. Gray and Montgomery's mother had been schoolmates and playmates, and their friendsh


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Monty Brewster is a lucky fellow. He's inherited a million dollars from his grandfather. Then comes word that an uncle has left him $7 million ... but only if he becomes penniless first ... with conditions. The vicarious thrill of watching him try to divest himself of his first fortune -- to the profound disapproval of everyone not in on the secret reason -- makes up the bulk of the novel.

It's a light read and rather dated. Brewster's inheritances, though not as vast as they were back in the day, seem large amounts still, but modern times offer many more interesting ways to spend money.
This book was a big disappointment. With such an innovative story I expected to be entertained by seeing how Brewster disposes of a large sum of money within a strict time period. However, I was simply bored. The main character, along with his cohorts, was one-dimensional. The humour was almost anonymous. The book was far too long and too far-fetched. I stayed with the story right to the end. The book redeemed itself a little with a nice ending. Pity one had to endure hours of complete boredom before reaching it. Recommended for insomniacs only.
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more