A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller

A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself. Second Part


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A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller by George Müller







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A Narrative of some of the Lord's Dealings with George Müller
Written by Himself. Second Part


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Oct. 16. For a long time past brother Craik and I have felt the importance of more pastoral visiting, and it has been one of our greatest trials, that we have been unable to give more time to it. This evening we had purposely a meeting of the two Churches, at which brother Craik and I spoke on; I. The importance of pastoral visiting. II. The particular obstacles which hindered us in attending to it. III. The question whether there was any way of removing some of the obstacles.

I. As to the importance of pastoral visiting, the following points were mentioned: 1. Watching over the saints, by means of visiting them, to prevent coldness, or to recover them from backsliding. 2. To counsel and advise them in family affairs, in their business, and in spiritual matters. 3. To keep up that loving familiar intercourse, which is so desirable between the saints and those who have the oversight of them.--These visits should be, if possible, frequent; but in our case there have been several obstac


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