The Oahu College at the Sandwich Islands

The Oahu College at the Sandwich Islands


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The Oahu College at the Sandwich Islands by Punahou School







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The Oahu College at the Sandwich Islands


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Book Excerpt

An observer, familiar with the college edifices of the United States, may hardly be able to recognize a College in what he sees at Punahou. But what there is surpasses what were the visible beginnings of either Harvard, or Yale. Until the present time, moreover, there has been only a preparatory school. The first college class, and that a small one, commences the present year. A number of young men, once at Punahou, who would perhaps have been in the College had there been one, are at Williams, Yale, or some other of our American Colleges. Some have completed their preparations for life's business, and are preachers, missionaries, merchants, or connected with the government of the Islands.

The Endowment.

The cost of living at the Sandwich Islands has been materially increased by the settlement and mines of California. Just at present, it may not be easy to bring the expenses of a family at Punahou within the bounds recommended for the salaries of the officers o


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