The Mystery of Evelin Delorme

The Mystery of Evelin Delorme
A Hypnotic Story


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The Mystery of Evelin Delorme by Albert Bigelow Paine





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The Mystery of Evelin Delorme
A Hypnotic Story


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A story of remarkable power and brilliance dealing with a weird and most unfamiliar situation in hypnotism.

Book Excerpt

reading. He had only seen her features, and heard only the gentle voice that had made known her errand. And now he wondered if it were possible that only a few hours before she had had no part in his life; a life wherein there had been many lights and shadows, and the shadows had been ever as broad and somber as the lights had been bold and brilliant.


An hour later Julian Goetze was standing alone in his studio. The sketch fresh from his brush was before him, and beneath it, resting upon the floor, was another somewhat farther advanced.

He had painted until the light had begun to grow yellow and dim, then he had reluctantly told his sitter that he could do no more for that day.

"And when shall I come again?" she had asked.

He would have said, "Come to-morrow," had he dared; but remembering other engagements, and knowing that the work could not be continued so soon, he had hesitated before replying.

"I can go on with the picture in two or three days; come as s


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