The Octopus Cycle

The Octopus Cycle


(4 Reviews)
The Octopus Cycle by Fletcher Pratt





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The Octopus Cycle


(4 Reviews)

Book Excerpt

kept coming closer, dim figures of horror in the green moonlight, huge and impregnable, towering over the little group of humans who shouted and cursed and fired impotently.

One man, half maddened, even ran forward, waving his bayonet, and was gathered gently up by two of those big arms as a child might be picked up by its parent.

A thrill of wavering ran down the line; one or two threw away their rifles, when suddenly, right at their feet, one of the monsters collapsed. There was a chorus of whistling and they moved backward, apparently without turning, as rapidly and silently as they had come. . .

A feeble cheer rose from the Senegalese, a cheer that was silenced instantly, for a glance revealed that half the hastily formed line was missing, the men gone as completely as though they had never been.

Weyl was aware that he had been clicking an empty pistol, that his throat was dry, that Duperret sat at his feet, his face in his hands, seemingly without power of motion. Senegalese


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Readers reviews

Average from 4 Reviews
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A surprisingly enjoyable mindless novella of a mysterious creature in the jungles of Madagascar that seems to be grabbing and eating people. Some nice national stereotypes behave stereotypically. The monsters are pleasingly impossible and the ending implausible.

The author creates a good atmosphere of turn-of-the-last-century can-do imperialism.
(1928) Sci-fi (Monster) / Short story / Adventure

R: * * *

Plot bullets

Madagascar has a problem.
It has been invaded by walking, semi intelligent octopi.
Time reveals it is a long cycle recurrence.
But, it is this cycle that must be handled. The outside world does not believe the requests for help.
Help comes, but not from the expected source.

Fans of 1950's B-movies such as "Tarantula" and "Them!" will
get a kick out of this pulp adventure story. The island of Madagascar is being attacked by giant killer octopi that have the ability to walk on land for short periods of time. Will the heroes be able to defeat them before they take over the world? Mindless fun.
Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more