The Campaign of the Jungle

The Campaign of the Jungle
or, Under Lawton through Luzon


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The Campaign of the Jungle by Edward Stratemeyer







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The Campaign of the Jungle
or, Under Lawton through Luzon


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The three Russell brothers, Larry, Walter, and Ben, have been the heroes of all the volumes of this series. In this volume Larry and Ben particularly figure in two important expeditions of that gallant soldier, General Henry W. Lawton, the first directed against Santa Cruz on the Laguna de Bay, and the second from Manila to San Isidro through one hundred and fifty miles of jungle. The author has aimed to be historically correct, while giving a good story.

Book Excerpt

enough to think that they will win out in this fight, Ben. You know how hot-headed some of these people are. They haven't any idea of the real power of Uncle Sam. I believe if they did know, they would submit without another encounter."

"It would be best if they did, Larry, for now that we are in this fight we are bound to make them yield. Once they throw down their arms, I feel certain our country will do what is fair and honest by them."

"It's the leaders who are urging the ignorant common people on--I've heard more than one of the officers say so. The leaders are well educated and crafty, and they can make the masses believe almost anything. Why, just before I came away from Manila I saw a dozen or more Igorottes brought in--tall, strapping fellows, but as ignorant as so many children. They seemed to be dazed when their wounds were cared for and they were offered food. The interpreter said they thought they would be massacred on the spot by the bloodthirsty Americanos, and they had a


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