Where Love Is There God Is Also

Where Love Is There God Is Also


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Where Love Is There God Is Also by graf Tolstoy Leo







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Where Love Is There God Is Also


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"Where Love Is, God Is" (sometimes also translated as Where Love Is, There God Is Also) is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy. The title references the Catholic hymn Ubi Caritas. One English translation of this short story as translated by Nathan Haskell Dole uses the alternate title translation of "Where Love Is, There God Is Also".

Book Excerpt

at he had made; then the master(8) of the next house passed by in shining galoshes; then a baker with a basket passed by. All passed by; and now there came also by the window a woman in woolen stockings and rustic bashmaks on her feet. She passed by the window, and stood still near the window-case.

(8) Khozyaïn.

Avdyeitch looked up at her from the window, and saw it was a stranger, a woman poorly clad, and with a child; she was standing by the wall with her back to the wind, trying to wrap up the child, and she had nothing to wrap it up in. The woman was dressed in shabby summer clothes; and from behind the frame, Avdyeitch could hear the child crying, and the woman trying to pacify it; but she was not able to pacify it.

Avdyeitch got up, went to the door, ascended the steps, and cried:--

"My good woman. Hey! my good woman!"(9)

(9) Umnitsa aumnitsa! literally, clever one.

The woman heard him and turned around.

"Why are you standing in the


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