Modern Broods

Modern Broods
or Developments Unlooked For


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Modern Broods by Charlotte Mary Yonge





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Modern Broods
or Developments Unlooked For


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Book Excerpt

e shall be better off, and I shall be able to go on with my education?"

"Yes, my dear, I think I can promise you so much," said Magdalen, caressing the serge shoulder.

"O thanks! Girton?" cried Agatha.

"There is much that I must inquire about before I decide--"

Again came, "Elsie Warner has a bicycle, and she is no older than me! Please, sister!"

"Hush now, my little Thekla," said the sister kindly; "I will talk to Mrs. Best, and see whether she thinks it will be good for you."

Thekla subsided with a pout, and Magdalen was able to explain her circumstances and plans a little more in detail; seeing however that the girls had no idea of the value of money, Paulina asked whether it meant being as well off as the Colonel and Lady Mary -

"Who keep a carriage and pair, and a butler," interposed Vera.

"Oh no, my dear. If I keep any kind of carriage it will be only a basket or governess cart, and a pony or donkey."

"That's all right," said Agatha. "I would not be rich and stupid for the


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