A Beast so Beautiful

A Beast so Beautiful
Carlyle LaBuschagne
A darkness falls over the land when the Queen of Rurith dies. Consumed with grief, King Ivar blames their son, Prince Leif, and locks him away. The Prince is left in total despair, until a girl, as vivid as a painting stumbles upon him, and visits him in secret for six years. When enemies encroach threatening to bring the kingdom down, Prince Leif and his Beastly curse is their only hope.

About the Author

Carlyle is a USA Today and International bestselling author from South Africa.
Her goal as an author is to touch people's lives, and help others love their differences and one another by delivering strong messages of faith, love and hope within each world she writes about. She loves creating villains you have a hate, love relationship with and always explores imperfection as a strength in her heroes and supporting characters.