A Love Attempt

A Love Attempt
Morhaf Al Achkar
Dr. Alachkar’s elegant but transparent manuscript is packed with thought-provoking insights and concrete action steps to make salient our native competency for loving so we can then orient our next actions toward embracing love. If you want to learn the conceptualization of love and say “My next act is A Love Attempt!” then you can’t afford to miss Morhaf’s essential guide.

About the Author

My name is Morhaf Al Achkar. I was born in Aleppo-Syria in 1983. I migrated to the United States in 2006 after finishing medical school. I also obtained a Ph.D. in Education from Indiana University. Currently, I am a practicing family physician and associate professor at the University of Washington.

In 2016, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Since then, my research has focused on the experience of patients living with cancers. My first book is based on interviews I did with 39 patients who live, like me, with advanced illness. I explored how these patients find meaning, cope, and build resilience

Writing my memoir was my attempt to reconstruct my narrative. I did not want to be defined as a cancer patient nor as someone living with resilience despite cancer. I wanted to be me again: A Syrian Immigrant.