An Empire of Geese and Hats

An Empire of Geese and Hats
Alan Daley
Morton Plonsky is certain he should be dead. And yet now he sits in an unfamiliar desert as an automobile sized goose with an armor clad man atop it soars overhead. His former student, Ashley -- the person he is certain just murdered him -- stands before him grinning maniacally in a desolate land dotted with unexplained corpses. Morton's life is about to get weird as hell.

About the Author

Alan Daley is a teacher and author from Tampa, FL who wants to create humorous, zany sci-fi/fantasy stories for his weird, nerdy brethren (and also sisteren, which he knows is not a word, but wants to be inclusive. Also, non-binarien, too). His only hope is that we can all get weird together.