Another Man's Freedom Fighter

Another Man's Freedom Fighter
Joseph Carter
He tried to hide in plain sight. It worked. For a while. But now the war forces an impossible decision on him. - As the Ukrainian conflict turns into a shooting war, the peaceful life of security consultant Mark Sanders is shattered. A dark secret reemerges from a life he had left behind. He needs to decide: run and protect his family or come out of hiding and save thousands of lives.

About the Author

Joseph Carter: Thriller addict, espionage enthusiast, and author.

Having worked in the digital industry for over 20 years and having been addicted to spy thrillers for even longer, Joseph Carter started to follow his passion in 2018 when he began work on Another Man’s Freedom Fighter. His debut takes the reader on an exciting journey from Berlin to Warsaw, and Moscow. Most reviewers characterized Carter’s first novel as "a little bit of everything for those who love spy thrillers .... war, espionage, spies, covert freedom fighters, and of course, politics" and the plot as "not only possible but frighteningly believable".

Born and raised in West Germany during the Cold War, Carter is a veteran of the German Bundeswehr Signals Corps, and today lives in Berlin with his family. He is a master scuba diver, boatsman, an expert marksman, and speaks five languages. He loves travel, wine, and good food.