
A beautiful book for your soul! We know that we miss something, but we cannot say what it is. We must find it to bring us peace. Our engagement can be compared with “The Golden Rush,” but we do not look for gold; we look for happiness. Happiness is not something that we can find, but instead, we can achieve. What is it? What we strive to find is fulfillment, a journey through a spiritual life.

About the Author

Ica, the author's pseudonym, is a nickname given by his brother when he was a child. His actual name is Mihail Militaru, and he was born in Romania during the communist era. That period has affected him profoundly and formed him at the same time. The communist regime believed that religion and especially God had to be removed from people's lives. That was the teaching given at every stage of development, from kindergarten to university. Ică had to learn God's lessons negating existence, and as any lesson, it gave him a positive perspective on life during his awakening times.