Home from Within

Home from Within
Lisa Maggiore
When naïve freshman Jessica Turner is warned by her militant father no dating allowed, she begins a secret relationship with intelligent but troubled Paul Peterson. They make a decision that changes their lives and their unborn child forever. As an adult, Jessica discovers that she must rectify her past to live in the present.

About the Author

Lisa Maggiore writes fiction for adults and children. She is the author of the children’s picture book series Ava the Monster Slayer, which was an Illinois Reads pick for K-2 in 2017. Other works include a short story, Pinterest Saved My Marriage, and a novel, Home from Within. Lisa resides in Chicago, where she grew up, with her husband and children. She was a social worker for 20 years and won many awards, including the Al Ward Spirit of Giving, and has been honored by numerous community agencies for her commitment to children and families. Lisa’s social work career helped form many of the stories she writes about today and is the reason most of her endings are bittersweet.