Murder in Whitechapel

Murder in Whitechapel
John David Buchanan
In the late Victorian Era, London was a cultural and social beacon. But with great wealth and abundance, inevitably there is also great suffering, poverty, and crime. One man surely cannot combat it all, when Sir Robert Peel' s bobbies cannot succeed. But one determined and diligent man will never cease to combat the evils in the darkness and ugly forgotten slums of London.

About the Author

I'm a fan of historical fiction and science fiction. In San Antonio, Texas, where I grew up, I played sports, watched science fiction shows on TV, and played the drums in a garage band. I also read every biography in the library during fifth grade. Although I was a mediocre high school student, I managed to get into college at Southwest Texas State University, where I earned a Masters Degree in Biology. The degree was instrumental in starting my career as an environmental specialist.