Of a Strange World Made

Of a Strange World Made
Anthony W. Eichenlaub
Scientist Ash Morgan doesn't mind breaking rules, but this is ridiculous. But when one of the colony's most sacred laws is broken, Ash must decide which rules must be followed, which ones can be broken, and which ones will inevitably lead to Edge's ultimate destruction.

About the Author

Anthony W. Eichenlaub is a Minnesotan science fiction writer whose stories pounce upon the line between serious science and absurd fun. His fiction has appeared in several collections, including Little Blue Marble, Neo-opsis Magazine, and the anthologies A Punk Rock Future and The Community of Magic Pens. His books range from the sci-fi western Metal and Men novels to the rule-breaking adventures of unhindered biologists in the Colony of Edge novella series. He enjoys woodworking, video games, and long walks with his lazy dog.