See Glass

See Glass
Ido Graf
A political conspiracy to subvert the democratic process and National Security in the USA and the West by far-right neo-Nazi groups and a serving President. "If ever a novel was ready to be made into a feature film it is this one - action, thrills, mystery, historical intrigue and romance, it has all the ingredients for the big screen." - (Jeremy Ransome, Editor, Spalding Guardian, UK).

About the Author

Ido Graf grew up in the Mediterranean and in London, UK.

Ido and his family were acquainted with the famous author, Graham Greene who is widely acknowledged to be one of the leading English novelists of the 20th century.

After studying for a Bachelor's degree, Ido went on to study for a Masters, before taking other specialist qualifications.

He spent time in military bases in Europe and the Middle East and comes from a police & military background.

Ido has travelled extensively in North & South America and in particular in Columbia (at the invitation of the Columbian government) and Venezuela, Cuba, Europe, Africa, the Far East, Russia, and the former Eastern bloc countries.

He was questioned in Guinea by the Presidential Guard on spying allegations relating to the Presidential Palace and in Sierra Leone by agents of the state concerning alleged diamond smuggling. He worked for a short time at Interpol.

Ido and a friend of his once engaged in a shooting competition in the Củ Chi district of Ho Chi Minh City, with John F. Kennedy Jr. while the actress Daryl Hannah watched the three of them as they fired AK-47s. It was an extraordinary, chance encounter when they were travelling in Vietnam in the 1990s.

Ido is a fully qualified scuba diver and skydiver. He is a proficient snowboarder, skier (downhill and cross-country) and an experienced alpinist.

He worked for government departments and private concerns in sensitive fields in the UK and USA.