Shade Cursed

Shade Cursed
M.D. Massey
When a shadow wizard with a dark past uncovers a supernatural conspiracy, he'll stop at nothing to get revenge on the Fae who enslaved him! Shade Cursed is the first entry in The Shadow Changeling Series, a Colin McCool Junkyard Druid spin-off series set in M.D. Massey's Druidverse urban fantasy setting. Grab your copy of the first novel in this urban fantasy trilogy today!

About the Author

M.D. Massey is a bestselling author of award-winning paranormal suspense and urban fantasy novels. He resides in the Texas Hill Country, where many of his novels take place. Most days you can find him in a local coffee shop or at his office working on his next book, or in his garage swinging sticks and pummeling inanimate objects. To find out more about his books visit