The Airbnb Gold Rush

The Airbnb Gold Rush
Daniel Becker
Do you want to discover the solutions for long-term wealth through short-term rentals? Have you dreamed about getting out of the 9-5, only to fall back to earth with no hopeful solution? The Airbnb Gold Rush will give you all the information you need to make your dreams a reality and reach your financial goals through Airbnb and Vrbo.

About the Author

Daniel Becker always wanted the life of an entrepreneur but could never find the time to achieve those dreams due to the overwhelming workload that was presented at his day job. It wasn't until Daniel moved from Portland, Oregon to Homer, Alaska that he was able to create hope for a life worth living. It was here that Daniel was first introduced to Airbnbs and the many benefits that came with them. The most important being the ability to escape the rat-race of the 9-5.

Daniel has since devoted his life to the short-term rental "profession." Helping many people reach their financial goals through Airbnb and Vrbo.