The Burden of Sweetberry

The Burden of Sweetberry
Carol Gosa-Summerville
A powerful story of adultery and murder, The Burden of Sweetberry is the story of a selfish woman who seeks redemption after her lover murders her fiance. Ghosts and demons haunt Sweetberry and threaten to rob her of her sanity. Can the blood of Jesus cleanse her or will the ghost of Luther drive her insane?

About the Author

Carol Gosa-Summerville is living her dream of becoming a published writer. As a public school teacher for many years, she challenged her students to explore all genres of writing to discover the power of the written word. Her goal in writing is to bring characters, locations and their conflicts together to create stories that are compelling, humorous and offer insight into the life and lives of the people living in a close-knit, small town community. Her first novel, "The Burden of Sweetberry" is a favorite in African-American fiction.