
Homeschool PJ Time

Andrea Salzman
Nina and her brother Wild are learners-at-large. They don't sit still for school. Instead, they learn kinetically, by doing STEM experiments on the world around them. Grab your little ones, a pair of comfy PJs, a cup of decaf (who are we kidding? Go big or go home) and laugh and learn through all of the kids' daily STEM adventures. Readers' Favorite Award (5 stars).

Mahalo Does Not Mean Trash

Paki Perkins, Hiwalani Perkins, Puniaikeao Perkins, Alpaki Perkins
Mahalo means “Thank you”. Or does it? When Hiwa and Keao meet their cousin visiting from California for the first time, they learn what he thinks “Mahalo” means and although not correct, it does make you think… Pupu gets an opportunity to teach her mo’opuna (grandchildren) the meaning of Mahalo as well as the kaona (deeper meaning) of one of Hawaii’s most precious words.

The Frights of Fiji

Sunayna Prasad
Twelve-year-old Alyssa longs for the happier life she used to have... only for a sorcerer to kidnap her. She ends up in Fiji, where she discovers magical technology and fantastical creatures. But she must defeat perilous beasts before she can overthrow the warlock that had abducted her.

Inside the Pencil Box

Avni Saxena
Teaches powers of teamwork and friendship as a creative children’s chapter book! Welcome to the magical world within Emma’s pencil box, where two kingdoms lie: The Pencil Kingdom and the Eraser Kingdom. Here, school supplies turn into lively characters and do so much more than just write and erase! A wonderful story about the importance of overcoming differences to serve a bigger goal!

Life of a Firefly

Sandra Brown-Lindstedt
*Winner of the 2021 International Book Awards and Reader Views’ Grand Prize for best fiction* If you loved “I know why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou, you will LOVE this book. Life of a Firefly is already becoming a classic, a warm, exciting, captivating book you will cherish for the rest of your life.