Science Fiction

A Star Curiously Singing

Kerry Nietz
Sandfly is a techno-slave in a world under sharia law. All faiths but one have been banned. Sandfly has an implant in his head that connects him to robots—and doles out mental shocks to keep him compliant. His goal is to fix bots and avoid shocks He’s sent to a new spacecraft. On its first voyage, the bot on board went mad and tore itself apart. Why? As Sandfly pieces together the clues, a trap spreads beneath his feet. If he solves the mystery, he may doom himself...


Todd Wynn & Tim Wynn
When four aliens arrive on Earth and disappear into the cornfields of Indiana, it’s Stewart Faulkner’s job to find them. Who they are, where they’re headed, and what’s important enough to make them jump from a moving spaceship are all questions that Stewart must uncover. As he unravels this mystery, he discovers that these aliens are connected to his own past in ways he never would have guessed. 2015 B.R.A.G. Medallion Winner "a fun, immersive sci-fi romp . . . set in a world that's worth revisiting." - Kirkus Reviews


Nick M Lloyd
The Gadium have been ruling the galaxy for millennia, manipulating probability to ensure their continued domination. On Earth, Jack Bullage survives a horrendous car accident. Reporter Louise Harding investigates all the options, even the most unbelievable ones. How did he get to be so lucky? The Gadium have the answers. They know why Jack is special. It’s just evolution; he’s developing the ability to ‘ride the parallels.’ This could herald Earth's Emergence, a new era, an end to its isolation in the galaxy – but Gadium approval is not assured and Jack may be evolving too fast for their plans.

Not Alone

Craig A. Falconer
Aliens exist, the government knows, and Dan McCarthy just found the proof. When Dan McCarthy stumbles upon evidence of the conspiracy to end all conspiracies -- a top-level alien cover-up -- he leaks the files without a second thought. Dan’s leak immediately captures the public’s imagination, but his relentless commitment to exposing the cover-up quickly earns him some enemies in high places. For his whole life, Dan McCarthy has searched for a reason to believe. Now that he finally has one, he might soon wish he didn’t...

New Dawn

Andrew J. Morgan
NEW RELEASE. An interplanetary geologist embarks on a journey to colonise a new world, but the death of a crew member turns a mission of exploration and hope into one of survival.