
Michael DeAngelo
Begin your journey with Adelia Kreegan, a talented aspiring sorceress who somehow understands more about the world than others do. Her passion for knowledge is endearing, the world around her is fascinating, and her new friendships are captivating. Tellest can be a harsh world, but with magic at her fingertips, it can be a little less frightening.

About the Author

Michael DeAngelo is a spinner of fantasy tales for those that love the genre. With a vast fantasy series under his belt, he creates worlds. He conveys the stories that the denizens of the realm are unable to, turning heroes into legends and villains into horrors unlike anything you can imagine. He crafts epics about extraordinary folks who are thrust into a world of danger and intrigue, and designs plots that make you contemplate if such a world could truly exist, placed atop a setting of majesty and wonder. He is the author of the Tellest series of fantasy novels and novellas, where imagination goes to play, and the world is in your hands.