Spitfire!: The Experiences of a Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot

Spitfire!: The Experiences of a Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot
Brian Lane
“What is it like up there?” Spitfire first became a household word during the Blitz, but it was not the first service the valiant aircraft had performed. In an attempt to answer the questions of the man on the street, Brian Lane, who wrote under the pseudonym of B. J. Ellan, tells of what it is that a fighter pilot thinks and feels when he is fighting in the skies, from the sunlit coast of Belgium to the lovely countryside of Kent.

About the Author

Brian Lane (1917-1942), was an R.A.F. officer, fighter pilot and author. He was awarded the D.F.C. for bravery during the evacuation of Dunkirk, and his abilities were recognised in his promotion to Squadron Leader in September 1940. In December 1942 he failed to return from a mission over the North Sea; he was 25.