Worlds of Wonder

Worlds of Wonder
C. Gockel
Three full-length novels and four tales of wonder! Discover myth inspired urban fantasy and a future with technology so advanced it's magical. In I Bring the Fire, Loki Norse God of Mischief and Chaos, takes on Odin, leader of the Nine Realms. In the Archangel Project, Commander Noa Sato launches a desperate mission to save her people aided by a professor who may be more than what he seems.

About the Author

C. Gockel has been writing stories for her friends and family since the dark ages (i.e., before word processors existed.) A few years ago, she started posting those stories to the intertubes. She received emails, messages, and reviews from her fans telling her she should 'do this professionally.' She didn't; she is a coward and life as a digital designer, copywriter and coder is more dependable. But in the end, her husband's nagging wore her down: "You could be the next '50 Shades of Gray' and I could retire!" Unfortunately, the author writes science fiction and fantasy, and isn't particularly good at writing erotica. She is sad about this; she'd love for her husband to be able to retire and just work for her so she could nag him.

At the moment, Ms. Gockel is working on the next installment of the Archangel Project.