
JD Steiner
Seventeen-year-old novelty-hybrid Nerissa John isn't supposed to exist. Responsible for her outlawed family's enslavement, and their unwitting role as accomplices in a deadly experiment, Nerissa is now their only hope for true freedom. To avoid elimination, Nerissa must push away feelings for a pure-human and expose the greed and corruption of their captors - a debt she vows to repay at all costs.

About the Author

JD Steiner is an American young-adult fiction writer, born and raised, and currently at home in the suburbs north of Chicago. Inspired by speculative sciences, human nature and all things creative, JD is also a parent, spouse, and the concierge of their busy household.

Holding no formal degree, but with a lifetime of daily practical application, classes, workshops, retreats, and now, published work, writing is entwined into the very fiber of JD's being. She believes in her calling; to create great works of fiction worthy of her reader's deep escape. And she believes in you.

"A wise man once said, 'We are what we love, not what loves us'... And I believe it is our responsibility to give the world the very thing that lights us up, that makes us sing, and dream, and laugh. No matter what. The world NEEDS what each of us must give. Let’s work together to lift each other up and express our unique gifts. Join together… writers, artists, musicians, programmers, designers, photographers, dancers, chefs, architects, stylists, creators… and so on, and so on… I am a writer, a creator of worlds. It’s in my blood, and bones, and DNA. What's in yours?"