Herbert Carter's Legacy

Herbert Carter's Legacy
or, The Inventor's Son


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Herbert Carter's Legacy by Jr. Alger Horatio





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Herbert Carter's Legacy
or, The Inventor's Son


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Book Excerpt

have told. Since the death of Mr. Carter, whose funeral he had not taken the trouble to attend, though invited, he had not even written to his niece, and she had abstained from making any advances, lest it might be thought that she was seeking assistance. Under these circumstances she had little hope of a legacy, though she could not help admitting the thought of how much a few hundred dollars would help her, bridging over the time till Herbert should be old enough to earn fair wages in some employment. If he could study two or three years longer, she would have been very glad, for her son had already shown abilities of no common order; but that was hardly to be thought of.

"There, mother, I guess I've sawed wood enough to last you, unless you are very extravagant," said Herbert, reentering the kitchen, and taking off his cap. "Now is there anything else I can do? You know I shall be gone two days, or a day and a half at any rate."

"I think of nothing, Herbert. You had better go to bed early, a


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