The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat

The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat


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The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat by Captain Quincy Allen





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The Outdoor Chums on a Houseboat


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An exciting adventure for young readers.

Book Excerpt

n do it, too, I want you to know!" snarled the other, making a forward movement, though two of his boon companions managed to get a grip on his shoulders and hold him back.

Frank deliberately took off his coat, and handed it to Will Milton.

"That's a new coat," he said, calmly, "and I wouldn't want to get it soiled by rubbing up against your dirty and wet clothes. Now, suppose you start in, and give me what you say I need; because to-morrow may be too late, as we start for home in the morning. This is a nice, quiet spot, and we stand little chance of being bothered by any outsiders."

"Let me go; can't you, fellows?" cried Oswald, making a great show of trying to break away from the detaining hands of his chums; though Bluff noticed that it was something of a pretense after all.

"Don't be a fool, Ossie," said Raymond Ellis, in a low voice; "you know that Langdon's said to be as strong as an ox. He made the baseball team, and will be in the football squad next fall. Let it drop; can'


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